I am returning from an absenceof a couple of months, during which time much has happened. Oddly enough, muchof this has been writing. I was randomly (fatefully?) reintroduced to poetryand the like, and have spent quite of lot of time thinking and writing littlebits and pieces which come to mind. My mind is opening up, not just to writing,but creativity, feelings, introspection and abstraction. I am allowing myselfto write before thinking, creatively, and seeing what appears. Of course Ithink long and hard about many things as well, and jot them down, but I put nopressure on myself to produce quality or quantity.. I just write what I feel.
As a teenager I felt a lot ofpressure when writing, whether it be fiction or journaling, and this made meput it aside as ‘too hard’ or ‘too much’. I have recently been returning to theidea of writing, which I love. I travelled overseas and took a notepad with me,writing the days’ happenings down, trying to get something on paper each day.When I am freed from pressures and expectations, I can finally enjoy writing,and I do. I hope to improve my writing with time and practice, in style, incontent, and in clarity. I am keeping rather quiet to friends and family aboutmy writing blogs, because this way I find it easier to be honest, and to have ago, than if I know everyone is reading and judging me. At any rate, I’m givingit a good go, and I will try to write here every week or so from now on.
Happy readings.